April 2024 Anne Moser

We are proud to highlight our members who commit their time and resources to helping Wisconsin libraries and librarians thrive through their work with the Wisconsin Library Association. Each month, we will be sharing their stories and hope you will be inspired to learn more about our programs or get involved!

Fill out the Lead with WLA form and be connected with other change agents, leaders, and committees that can use what you have to offer.

Anne Moser | April 2024

Photo of Sarah BakkenFor which library, institution, or organization are you currently employed? If you are retired, what was your former organization?
Wisconsin Water Library at UW-Madison

How many year(s) have you been a member of Wisconsin Library Association?
18 years

What has been your favorite or most impactful function or event of WLA?
That is a tough question because I have enjoyed so many WLA events, but the AWSL Town Halls come immediately to mind. The hour together always passes quickly with laughter and great conversation. Each time we meet I logoff Zoom with a kernel of an idea that helps me improve my day-to-day library operations.

How has being a member of WLA impacted you or your career?
The opportunity to be part of the library community through my membership in WLA has been the gift that keeps giving. I have made a group of incredible friends and colleagues that have been a sounding boards for ideas, a source of support, a group to laugh and exchange ideas with and really have had a big and positive impact on my career. As a solo librarian, it has been essential for me to have a professional community outside my library and these relationships have been one of the keys to my success.

Do you have a library role model (in Wisconsin or elsewhere) that has provided you with inspiration or guidance? Please share a little bit about it. 
Oh gosh, there are so many. Throughout my entire career, I have been fortunate to be mentored by many inspiring librarians. In Wisconsin, I have been inspired and guided by my AWSL friends: Carrie Doyle, Kris Turner, Steven Rice, Eva Stefanski, Catherine Lamott, Carol Hassler, Lynn Jacobson, Amy O'Shea. But I am also inspired (and guided too) by the library students that I have been privileged to mentor. Each of them has brought their own unique skills and perspectives and have gifted them to me. To mentor the future leaders of our profession inspires me to continue to grow as a professional.

Do you have any advice for new WLA members?
Get involved! Right away. Your experiences, knowledge and ideas will be valued and are key to our success of our organization. Never think you don't have anything to offer. At the end of the day, the benefits you gain will far outweigh the "costs" of being involved. And you will make lifelong friends to collaborate (and laugh) with along the way.