The Wisconsin Library Association Foundation thanks the following individuals for contributions made and processed January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. We are grateful for your generosity and continued support!
Every attempt is made to accurately reflect gifts to the Foundation. If you have made a donation and do not see your name on this list, please contact the WLA office by calling 608.245.3640 or emailing [email protected].
Sustaining Partner | $5,000 + |
Markewetz Estate (in memory of Marianna Markewetz)*
Contributing Partner | $1,000-$4,999 |
Demco Stephen Scheibel Jean Yeomans* Wisconsin Valley Library Service
Platinum Circle | $500-$999 |
Constance Meyer
Gold Circle | $250 - $499 |
Anita Evans*
Silver Circle | $100 - $249 |
Jean Anderson Mark Arend Elizabeth Beecher Ellen Buchberger* Charles Bunge Chylack Family Foundation Jeff & Lisa Featherstone Virginia Follstad Jack Fry* Elizabeth Harper Diane Hopkins** Richard Krumwiede**
Venora McKinney* Nicolet Federated Library System Robert Pfeiffer* Gretchen Revie* Alice Sturzl** Tracy Vreeke Kris Adams Wendt* Barb Wentzel* Anne & Timothy Zacher
Bronze Circle | $1 - $99 |
Helen Adams Mary Bayorgeon Lori Belongia* Joan Crowley Beers Terry Dawson* Linda Decramer* Sally Drew* Mary Frenn Theresa Howe* Barbara Kelly** Mildred Larson Rose Mary Leaver* Catharine Markwiese*
Karen Montgomery* Edgar Mosshamer Mary Struckmeyer* Coral Swanson** Carolyn Thomann James Warczak* David Weinhold* Nancy Wilhelm
*Indicates a donor who has contributed for 10+ years. **Indicates a donor who has contributed for 20+ years.