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Vendor Opportunities for the 2024 WLA Fall ConferenceParticipate in the 2024 WLA Conference as an exhibitor, sponsor, and or advertiser! This year, we have amazing offerings for vendors, including new benefits for exhibitors, exciting sponsorship opportunities, over 10 hours of dedicated no-conflict exhibit hall time, and more ways to interact with your customers and prospects! DOWNLAND THE VENDOR PROSPECTUSEXHIBITOR BENEFITSMore than 10 hours of dedicated, no-conflict exhibit hall time! HOSPITALITY ROOM FOR EXHIBITORSExhibitors will have access to a designated hospitality room with complimentary snacks, soft beverages, and quiet seating to ensure your comfort. The hospitality room, in close proximity to the Exhibit Hall, will be open:
FOOD AND BEVERAGE PACKAGE INCLUDED FOR ALL REGISTERED EXHIBITORS* *Food package is not included with floor passes In addition to the exhibitor hospitality room offerings, the following food and beverage package is included in your registration fee this year:
Note: On Wednesday, you will be required to remain in your booth while lunch is served. Exhibitor lunch will be served at 1 PM or when attendees return to their sessions. We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to relax and enjoy our luncheon keynote speaker on Thursday. The cost for this is also included in your registration. Don't miss the opportunity to invite attendees to join you for lunch. STAGE FOR LIGHTNING TALKS, PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONSA stage will be available in the Exhibit Hall, offering you the opportunity to present a brief (5 -10 minutes) lightning talk about your organization or offer a product demonstration. Sign up on the registration form and we will assign you a time. ATTENDEE LISTSKeep your name in front of potential customers after the conference is over! All exhibitors will receive a list of attendees who have opted in for post- conference promotions from exhibitors. Lists will include names, institutions and email addresses. Attendee lists will be distributed to exhibitors by November 30, 2024. VIRTUAL EXHIBIT BOOTHSVirtual exhibit booths through the interactive smartphone application, Whova, are available for this year’s conference!
A virtual exhibit booth is included with Platinum and Gold booth packages and is available for an additional $100 with Silver and Bronze packages. More details will be provided via email to participating exhibitors. Please consider donating a prize for our Thursday wrap-up event. Be sure to "check yes" on your registration form to let us know you will be donating a prize. Please also list the item or gift card and the approximate resale value.EXHIBIT BOOTH INFORMATIONEXHIBITOR ONLINE REGISTRATION![]() Click to view a larger mapBOOTH ASSIGNMENT POLICY Booths will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Early bird deadline is September 1, 2024. CANCELLATION INFORMATION No refunds will be issued after September 15, 2024; refunds will be provided for cancellations through September 14 and are subject to a $100 cancellation fee. ONSITE SECURITY REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS EXHIBITOR ONLINE REGISTRATIONYou will be directed to the WLA website and prompted to log in. If you do not have a login, you'll need to establish one to register. Please note: You must also register as a conference attendee to attend morning keynotes and breakout sessions. Conference registration will open in late August. QUESTIONS Contact [email protected]
BOOTH FEES & MORE (Early Bird Deadline: September 1, 2024)Meal plans and the Prestigious Lambeau Field Opening Reception is included for all of the following registered exhibitor levels. PlatinumTHE FIRST TEN PLATINUM EXHIBITORS TO REGISTER WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THEIR OWN "PREMIUM EXPOSURE TABLE" AT THE LAMBEAU FIELD HALL OF FAME OPENING RECEPTION. THIS IS A RARE OPPORTUNITY, IN AN ICONIC SETTING, TO NETWORK WITH CLIENTS AND SHOWCASE YOUR BROCHURES, BUSINESS CARDS AND/OR SMALL GIVEAWAYS. Our most visible option, these 8 x 10 booths are located in prime locations in the foyer and just inside the Exhibit Hall. Platinum-level booths have guaranteed foot traffic throughout the conference. This package includes a free Virtual Exhibit Booth through the interactive Whova app!
GoldThis package features 8 X 8 booths in the most high-traffic areas of the Exhibit Hall. It also includes a free Virtual Exhibit Booth through the interactive Whova app!
SilverSilver Exhibit space provides hard to miss 8 X 8 booths with exceptional exposure to attendees. A Virtual Exhibit Booth through the interactive Whova app can be purchased for $100!
Bronze SOLD OUT!Bronze exhibit space is a wonderful value with 8 X 8 booths in desirable locations. A Virtual Exhibit Booth through the interactive Whova app may be purchased for $100!
BE SURE TO CHECK OUR SPONSORSHIP PAGE FOR INFORMATION ON INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS AT THE LAMBEAU FIELD OPENING RECEPTION. Nonprofit OrganizationsBronze level exhibit booths are available to nonprofit organizations for $700. Proof of nonprofit (501c3) status is required with registration. Contact [email protected] for more information. No exceptions. Nonprofit pricing will not be available without proof of nonprofit status. BOOTH BREAKDOWNBooth pricing is based on one exhibitor per booth. Add a second exhibitor in your booth for $250. This fee includes full privileges of the primary exhibitor including name badge and meal plan. Two tickets per day for exhibitor floor only may be purchased for additional representatives at your booth for $100 per ticket per day. Tickets do not include a meal plan. 8' X 8' TABLETOP OR 8' X 10' BOOTHS INCLUDE:
Sponsorship OpportunitiesAdvertising Opportunities